PENSEE / Le perspectivisme historique
Le subjectivisme (tout comme l'objectivisme) ont tendance à réduire le pespectivisme (parfois diachronique) à un relativisme, pour pouvoir enclencher le processus d'acculturation qui fait suite à tout mouvement, toute procession de pensée. Il en va ainsi à notre époque. Vous trouverez ici une citation de la préface à Literary Language & Its Public in Late Latin Antiquity and in the Middle Ages d'Erich Auerbach:
From Vico, Auerbach derived not merely his sense of philology but in addition what he definies as "historical
perspectivism" --- "the convisction that every period has its own possibilities of aesthetic perfection; that the works of arts of differents peolples and periods, as well their general forms of
life, must be understaood as products of variable individual conditions, and have to be judged each by its own development, not by absolute rules of beauty and ugliness " * In the final sentence
of the fore word to Vier Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der französischen Bildung, Auerbach contended that this Vichian historicism engenders a relativism which "the perequisite for comprehensive
and serious historical work"
* Erich Auerbach, "vico and Aesthetic Historicism" on Gesammelte Aufsätze, p. 266, which corresponds to Scences from the drama of
European Litterature, pp 183-184