Who is Brenton Tarrant
Brenton Tarrant, 28 y. o., is the author of a double bombing that killed at least 49 people in two mosques in New Zealand, Christchurch. Several attackers simultaneously entered the places of worship, separated by a few kilometers and crowded at the time of the prayer, around 13:40 (local time) this Friday, 1h40 (Paris time).
Brenton Tarrant, himself filmed his passage to the act but a few hours before this one he published a manifesto of 73 pages in which he explains his motives. The man who was arrested alongside two other men and a woman whose identities have not been revealed, appears in this document as an "ordinary white guy born in Australia". "I had a normal childhood, with no real problem, I had little application at school, and I did not go to university because it did not really interest me," he wrote before to continue: "I am just an ordinary white guy, of an ordinary family, who has decided to stand up for the future of my people". One of his colleagues says his father Rodney died of cancer at age 49 when the terrorist graduated from high school. Brenton Tarrant then started making money from Bitconnect, a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, which he saved to finance his trips to Europe and Southeast Asia and East Asia.
Brenton Tarrant also reports that he has planned his move for two years and spotted the location of his crime, Christchurch for three months. The trigger that led to the organization of the killings came during a long trip to Europe, whose multi-cultural society has disrupted it. It was the attack in Sweden on April 7, 2017, which prompted Brenton Tarrant "to seek revenge". That day, the young Ebba Akerlund, "lost her life as she rejoined her mother after school". "She was murdered by an Islamist terrorist who was driving a stolen vehicle. She was partially deaf and did not hear the car arrive. She died by the hands of the invader, "he says. He also cites the defeat of Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron, and a scene on a French car park, where "flood of invaders were heading to the doors of a shopping center."
This man then says he was inspired by Anders Behring Breivik, whom he calls "the vigilante knight", who killed 77 people in Norway in July 2011: "I read a lot of writings, especially those of Dylan Roof (who killed 9 people in a black church in Charleston, USA, in 2015, ed) and many others, but I drew inspiration from the Breivik Justice Knight. " If he calls on Angela Merkel or Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
He is also a fan of Candace Owens, a conservative police actress who is close to the American president's ideas: "The person who influenced me the most is Candace Owens. Every time she speaks, her ideas astonish me and her own opinions have pushed me more and more into the belief that violence prevails over gentleness. "
Les autorités établissent un périmètre de sécurité aux abords de la mosquée Masjid al Noor à Christchurch le 15 mars. © TESSA BURROWS Source: AFP
Three others were arrested in possession of weapons. A car containing homemade explosives was damaged by a police car.