La Philosophie à Paris

UKRAINE / Les pénuries en Russie commencent - Témoignage du 28 novembre 2022

1 Mars 2022, 01:29am

Publié par Doumek Klishko

Dear Anthony now horror is happening in Russia! Did you know about it? We have very long queues, products just disappear from the shelves! Everyone fears for their future! And all this was the reason that people finally came out to protest against the war!!!!!
I believe that if we all come together we can resist the government! But many were afraid of it! But when they saw that horror was happening in Ukraine and the Russians began to suffer, the people also began to rise and not be silent!
Today I had to buy allergy pills for my son! They are from Germany! And I did not find it and will not be in pharmacies because there are no air channels with other countries! And everyone simply refused to give food, things and medicines to our country! I'm so sorry that my child has to suffer because there are crazy people in the government.
I hope I can find a drug substitute to help my son! 

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